【同义词辨析】 2020-09-18 厌恶abomination-bete noire

abomination: suggests the arousal of loathing, disgust, and extreme displeasure: in her opinion all of modern art is an ~.     (loathe表示非常不喜欢甚至愤恨to hate very much,如she loathes him她强烈厌恶他,或她他)   (abominate憎恶谴责suggests strong detestation and often moral condemnation憎恶并谴责,如virtually every society abominates incest所有社会都憎恶谴责乱伦行为,如the judge described the attack as an abominable crime法官称那次袭击为令人发指的罪行)

anathema: suggests that something is so odious that it is dismissed or rejected out of hand: anything that was Yankee was ~ to my Southern aunt.       (odious厌恶applies to that which is disagreeable or offensive令人不快不喜欢,语气较轻)   dismiss可以表示解散、开除、或拒绝不考虑    又如racial prejudice/violence is (an) anathema to me对我来说,种族歧视/暴力行为让人厌恶

bugbear: suggests somthing so dreaded that one seeks continually to avoid it: the deficit became an annual congressional ~.  dread表示畏惧时,强调不愿面对
 (其他字典中bugbear表示让人烦恼担心的事applies to what is annoying or worrying,如inflation is the government's main bugbear通货膨胀是政府最头痛(担心)的问题,如clutter is her biggest bugbear邋遢最她最烦人的问题,如money is my biggest bugbear我最发愁的是钱)  

bete noire: suggests a pet aversion that one habitually or especially avoids: his mooching brother-in-law was the ~ of his life.  aversion反感讨厌想避开,语气比loathing弱   (pet最常用的意思是宠物、喜欢的,这里表示特别的极其的implies special attention or particularly strong feeling,如my pet hate is woodwork非常讨厌木制品)     (又如my real bete noire is the car boot sale那些用汽车后备箱摆摊卖旧货的)       mooching闲逛的,白拿白要的,如he is always mooching about/around the streets整天在街上闲逛

abomination厌恶: 指使人极为厌恶恶心反感的,anathema厌恶: 表示厌恶到直接拒绝的,bugbear烦恼: 指让人烦恼担心的人或事,bete noire厌烦: 指讨厌的人或事

记忆方法: 1)首字母aabb想成让人厌恶的事物<==厌恶

         2)厌恶的意思是很不喜欢的事物mean a person or thing that arouses intense dislike.